
Integrate AI curriculum in your classrooms

Students can safely learn how to use AI using Chat for Schools and Skill Struck’s AI-related curriculum.
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Screenshot of Chat for Schools AI curriculum.

Integrate AI into your classrooms

Using Chat for Schools and Skill Struck’s AI-related curriculum, your district can add AI into existing subjects and pathways. Some examples of Skill Struck's AI-related curriculum include:

What is AI Chat?

This lesson teaches students the basics of AI Chat and language learning models. Some highlights in this lesson include: 
Curriculum that teaches students how language learning models work.
Curriculum that teachers students how to interact with any AI chat.
Activities and interactive presentations that can be self-guided and autograded.
What is AI graphic.
Tips for writing prompts screenshot.

Tips for Writing Prompts

This lesson teaches students how to phrase their questions in AI Chat to get the best results. Some highlights in this lesson include: 
Curriculum that teaches students how to write their questions in a clear and specific way.
Curriculum that helps students practice breaking up their questions so they can get better answers from AI chat.
Activities and interactive presentations that can be self-guided and autograded.

Safety with Chat

This lesson teaches students how to use AI chat safely and confidently. Some highlights in this lesson include: 
Curriculum about how to check the AI response for credibility.
Curriculum about how to be respectful with AI chat and why it matters.
Activities and interactive presentations that can be self-guided and autograded.
Safety with chat screenshot.

Customizable AI Pathway

Using Chat for Schools and Skill Struck’s AI-related curriculum, your district can create an AI pathway that will guide your students through this new phenomenon. Here's an example of an AI pathway you could integrate into your district:





What is AI?
Introduction to Chatbots and AI
How ChatGPT is trained and works (machine learning)
Discovering machine learning strengths and limitations
Discovering AI
Safety and PII
Safety/Digital citizenship
Introduction to Prompt Engineering
Best practices for writing helpful prompts
Advanced prompt engineering strategies
Using ChatGPT
How to phrase questions and communicate effectively with ChatGPT
Using ChatGPT as a tutor
Exploring the credibility of resources
Writing helpful prompts for various schools subjects
Understanding the limitations of ChatGPT and when to seek additional help 

Ready to learn more about our AI curriculum?

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